Soft programmers

News list.

List of news's

PLS generator 2.2.1 awailable

14.08.24 23:57
A new version with important fixes has been released.
I thought that bug which prevented url addresses longer than 64 characters from being saved has been corrected in the previous version, but saw that's not, due to misspelled variable name. Now it works properly.
Fixed updater which show the error because of urls change, and replacing the clipboard always when the PLS generator has been run. URL changed more than a year ago, so sorry for the late fix.

New NVDA addon to roll a dice!

17.07.24 23:01
We are happy to announce, that we (Dash and Paulinux) released a new app after a long time! It's an DiceRoller NVDA addon.
Dice roller is a simple plug-in that allows you to roll the dice.
There are a lot of things for which you can use it e.g. RPGs, draws, number of fields in board games if you don't have a physical dice.
To throw the dice, press the CTRL+Shift+D shortcut. You can set a new one in imput gestures>miscellaneous.
The addon allows changing rolls number and the dice faces. To do this, press NVDA+N, enter settings and find "Dice settings" in the list. We will consider adding shortcut to this panel in next version.
Happy rolling.

Soft programmers is back

12.02.24 at 20:30
After a long long downtime, like an year, Soft programmers is back to life under a new address which will be for ever active.
Our ML domain stopped working a long time ago and we didn't had any option to host our apps again on another without paying. There was also some problems with dns's so the downtime was longer than we thought. Sorr for inconveniences.
Our updaters to apps not work properly, and some things are messed up but but we are working hard to put things right within nowadays.

PLS Generator2.2 awailable

15.04.23 17:05
A new PLG version is awailable to download.
Here's changes:
Bug which causing no resave option after selecting save file to pls format, has been fixed.
A bug that prevented url addresses longer than 64 characters from being saved has been corrected.
Removed My radio streams folder Because when you save the file, you choose your own location anyway.
Removed unused hspda.dll library which was added when we planned to add PLG settings module and other unnecessary files. Besides the code is really mess up and need optimisation, but i'm too lazy to do it. But program work so hm, why do something more?

SS mac has been updated

26.02.23 at 20:45
We are happy to announce that new public version of SS Mac has been released.
Fixed some bugs, Better support for MacOs13 and Airpots headphones.
Download it from the Programs subsite which also has been slightly fixed. There was a problem with the links and text in one line. I writing websites for more than 6 years and really i don't know why i didn't saw that before :D.

New program: SS-Mac by Nuno

27.04.22 at 18:05
We are happy to announce new app from Nuno, it's first program written for OSX on our website!
It allows to switch soundcarts on the fly by one click. To get more information, check the program subsite.

Back again

15.03.22 at 05:13
2 or 3 weeks ago i updated the php and other things on the server because it was so old. After this operation our site was down due to olderity of Grav CMS version.
I found some free time to update it so welcome back :). Stay tuned, because We are planning to release a new version of PLG soon.

We back online after more than a week

15.02.22 at 18:13
After more than a week we fixed problem which caused that our site was unawailable. I accidentally removed one folder which was used by CMS.

PLS Generator 2.1 has been released

05.08.21 at 06:05
We are happy to announce, that PLS generator 2.1 is awailable to download.
You can also use the built-in updater to get the latest version of the application.
Here's the changelog:
Readded possibility to launch created file which was added in 1.5.
Added "Back" button on the first step after you click "Generate stream file".
Fixed bug which caused the option to select the extension of the saved file to appear next to the option to re-save after cancelling the save operation by pressing the escape key.
Changed mail and link to the bug reporting system.
Added a possibility to save created file in another format or under another name.
We will soon start working on version3.0.

Speaker test 3.1 has been released

31.07.21 at 23:31
We inform that Speaker Test 3.1 has been released.
You can download it from our programs list.
Added 5.1 Suround testing as requested by users.
From now on, the application is playing the left/right test on startup.

New useful script is awailable

02.11.20 at 15:15
New app by Paulinux and Dash called Hange sound cart per app is awailable to download.
It speeds up opening the App Volume And Device Preferences in Windows10.
Do you often stream audio from different applications and want to go to the sound settings faster?
From now on you can do it with a keyboard shortcut. After downloading the application, just open the file properties and set the hotkey.

PLS Generator 2.0 has been finally released

20.03.20 at 02:37
After a long time without beta updates, stable version has been finally released.
All working correclty.
You can download the app from our programs subsite, because old updater don't work.
When 3.0 will be done? We don't know, because currently we working at PLG for Android.

More information on the main page etc

11.12.19 at 13:45
We added more information on the main page and tidied links to the subpages.

Speaker test3.0 released:

11.12.19 at 13:15
We released Speaker test 3.0 in C#.
You can find it on the programs subpage.

Morse decoder Alpha1Released.

29.08.19 at 01:04
We released first alpha version of the Morse decoder application.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Wisit our "Programs" page for more information and download the application.

New person in our team!

19.06.19 at 15:55
Paulinux officially joined to our team one month ago as sound designer and PLG betatester.
Page about our team has been updated.

Holiday plans.

19.06.19 at 15:25
Some rest, others doing sport, visiting friends, and We find time to work on our applications. :)
What can you expect?
We working on final version of PLS Generator 2.0. It might be available in the end of holidays.
We noticed that there is a demand to accessible application to memorizing words in the other languages learning proces. We have ready plan for app to it called Mao learn.
We unfortunately don't know, when app will be written and published.
Currently, we working at accessible morse decoder for the blind.
We do not forget about sighted people and working at gread and a clear readable view but we are completely blind, and it's wery hard to do it in PLG written in HSP language.
In the Morse decoder we used Windows forms for Visual studio and it maybe looks good.
If you see, you can help us sending your visual impressions.
If you know C#, You can help us when Morse decoder will be awailable on the our git hub, by correcting view.

PLG2.0: Bugs in the newest beta 4.

08.05.19 at 01:15
We received email with bug report.
If you have newest 2.0.4Version program inform's you about the new version available.
We will reper this bug and other one in the beta5 within a few days.
Thanks to Milka for the reporting it.

Corrected page.

08.05.19 at 01:11
To display the menu you had to enable the full screen. This bug has been corrected.

PLS Generator 2.0Beta4 ready for betatesting.

22.04.19 at 22:01
Hi and happy easter.
Our gift is PLG2.0Beta4.
Beta was ready already on 16.04, but we decided to postpone the publication and test it.
We added again M3u generator, added it to one interface with PLS.
To download new version, wisit programs subpage or use updater in the application.

New beta version of PLS generator

12.04.19 at 19:15
We released PLG2.0 beta 3.
Mainly bugfixes.
To download it, please use updater from beta2 or go to the programs subpage.

Succesfully moved!

18.03.19 at 07:25
We succesfully moved our page from the free hosting with ats to the better without.
Thanks for patience, have fun.

Page has been officially published

17.03.19 at 03:45
We succesfully created our page in 2018, but in this day it's remaded via CMS.
Currently it's hosted on the free hosting with ats. :/ We will move it to the better place, but later.

Koty right2018/2024By Cat tail, (Хвост кота).